Saturday, September 7, 2013

Oleander Girl - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

I know I should have been reviewing "A Suitable Boy" and as it appears it's too much of mammoth tast to keep carrying it around and reading it in your spare time. And so to save trouble I picked Oleander girl up, and thank God I did. The only other book which I had read of Divakaruni's was the Palace of Illusions, which I clearly remember quiet enjoying to read. But to be frank I had bought this book on a whim since Amazon had this awesome independence day sale on and I had to pay only a 180 bucks for this book.

So the story is about Korobi, who was orphaned as a child and had been bought up by his grandparents. She is all set to get married to Rajat, who ofcourse is extremely good looking and from a well to do family. But on the fateful night of her engagement her grandfather dies of a heart attack and for which Korobi feels responsible. But after his death, her grandmother who wants to correct all the wrongs done to Korobi and wants to undo all the lies, reveals a life altering secret to her. A secret that takes her all the way to the US.

In the background of this journey, are other characters, other little stories about Rajat's past, his family business not doing too well and communal violence and distrust.

What I really liked about this book, is how well the Divakaruni gets her characters right, and not just them the relationships between them. The chinks in the armour of the strongest. The supposedly weak, becoming the pillars of strength pulling people together. The importance of righteousness, of trust, of honesty and of companionship. All in all, it's a very feel good book but on a more serious note than what I remember Palace of Illusions to be, which was a whole lot more witty and funny. But of course the theme of the books were completely different.

All in all, it's book you will breeze through easily.

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